
Our Educational Assistance Programme offers scholarships every year to brilliant indigent students who are pursuing their dream of completing their higher education. We are proud to have provided over 500+ scholarships to students from poor backgrounds since the inception of this programme in 2008. Our scholarship is targeted towards academically sound students planning to attend (or already attending) a public tertiary institution and students must fulfil all eligibility requirements before their application can be considered by the scholarship board of the Wilson & Yinka Badejo Foundation.

While we aim to increase the number of scholarships we award to qualified applicants every year, our yearly scholarship quota is limited and only qualified applicants who have been successfully gone through the initial screening process by our scholarship board and are highly recommended by their Heads of Department, Course Advisers, Dean of Students, and/or Cleric of their local assembly would be granted an award from the allocated scholarship quota for the year.

We will be introducing a new scholarship category in 2024 that expands on our existing legacy scholarship award. This new scholarship is in honour of our co-founder, Rev (Mrs.) Yinka Badejo, and aims to provide financial assistance and support to a young female who is actively pursuing a career, vocational training, and/or professional development in Christian children’s ministry.

2024 Scholarship Award Timeline

March 15th: Scholarship application portal open

April 30th: Scholarship application deadline

May 1st - June 14th: Application screening and Awardees selection

June 17th - July 12th: Awardee notification and second round interviews

July 19th: Final List of Awardees provided to Board of Trustees

August: Awardees recognised during Annual Lecture and scholarships awarded

2023 Scholarship Beneficiaries